Personal Banking
Start saving with St. Anne's for a brighter financial future! Our savings accounts offer competitive rates and flexibility. You can easily add funds with one-time or recurring transfers, synced with your direct deposit. Set it up and forget it, so you never miss a beat! Whether it's retirement, a dream vacation, or just preparing for a rainy day, St. Anne's helps you achieve your financial goals.
Choose from a range of personalized savings options, including a free 18/65 savings account with special benefits for those aged 18 and under or 65 and older. For tailored account solutions, call 1-877-STANNES.
Rest easy knowing that your deposits are fully insured with both NCUA and MSIC coverage. Learn more here.
free savings accounts
The convenience of receiving a monthly statement or eStatement without the passbook.
acorn savings account
Help your child begin to learn how to manage their money with an Acorn Savings account for children under the age of 18 - the perfect teaching tool to help your child learn positive money management skills.
christmas and vacation club accounts
Clubs are the perfect way to start saving and you can determine the amount and frequency of deposits. So when it comes time, you have the peace of mind knowing that you have the money you need for vacation or for holiday spending.
- Minimum balance of $5.00 to open
- Funds are automatically deposited into your chosen St. Anne’s savings or checking account once per year (for each club account)
certificates of deposit
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) are a perfect way to grow your money without tying your money up for long periods of time.
- Available in terms of three (3) to sixty (60) months
- Minimum balance of $1,000.00 to open
- Dividend rate higher than a regular savings account
- Fixed rate for term of deposit
- Dividend rate is compounded monthly and paid monthly
- Renewed automatically at the end of a ten (10) calendar day grace period
individual retirement accounts (iras)
An IRA* is a good way to start your fiscal plan with a low deposit amount that will help you grow your money well into retirement.
- Available in terms of three (3) to sixty (60) months
- Minimum balance of $500.00 to open
- Dividend rate higher than a regular savings account
- Fixed rate for term of deposit
- Dividend rate is compounded monthly and paid monthly
- Renewed automatically at the end of a ten (10) calendar day grace period
If you have opened an IRA elsewhere, it’s easy to move it to St. Anne’s as a “rollover” or by direct transfer.
*You should always consult your tax advisor about your retirement savings options and any tax implications before opening or making a change in a retirement account.